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We have all figured out one way or another that talent only takes you so far. Most creative positions require collaboration, initiative and adaptability and versatility are traits that usually surface once you are both too deep into creative waters to undo it. Have you ever hired a designer only to realize working with them is like trying to push a car with square wheels? No one wants that. You obviously want talent, but also perseverance, a sense of humor, adaptability, dependability and effective communication. We want to work with someone who basically just gets it and brings good energy to everything they do. So, here's my attempt to portray enough about myself to prove that while I come with surprises, of course, they're only good ones. :)


I was born in South Florida to two incredible humans I like to call mom and dad. They have been married for over 30 years and still flirt with one another. No pressure, right? At the age of 3 I was diagnosed with leukemia, went through chemo twice and was in remission by age 7. I remember more than one would think and am a lucky girl to say the least. I was always a good student and was elected class president in high school. Turns out politics is not my thing, but I did design awesome t-shirts and car wash posters. So, after graduation I went to the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale to get my Bachelor's in Fashion Design. That's where I fell in love with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.


I moved across the country not knowing a single soul in 2010 to pursue Fashion/Costume Design. Soon after my arrival in LA, I was hired as one of only 10 Studio Service employees in all of Nordstrom and began working with Costume Designers to pull wardrobe for film and tv. I worked on shows, commercials, movies and quickly realized I had far too much creativity bursting out of me to be pulling t-shirts and sewing labels. I switched gears and began sketching again and further educating myself in the Adobe Creative Suite. 

I started sketching and creating presentation boards for Criminal Minds, Sneaky Pete, and various commercials. From there I started creating logos and posters for friends and, through word of mouth, my freelancing career had begun. For the next few years I had in house positions, worked on complete branding and packaging, assisted in art directing print campaigns for the auto industry, and created various designs for Netflix. I now work with an agency doing digital and print work and am able to still dabble in any other personal projects that arise. I love the variety that comes with freelancing but long for a collaborative environment where I can grow artistically and professionally. 


How it all began...


I'm obsessed with making things. I've been creating since I was 5 years old (big shout out to mom for buying me my first art supply set!) It was apparent early on that I wasn't going to be that child running around outside... I spent hours dressing up my barbies (even the ones with no limbs-lost  from being shoved into the drawer) and cutting up construction paper to make mini runways , writing fake Full House episodes (really wish I still had a copy of those), drawing, painting, beading and inventing anything I could get my hands on. I grew up loving the power of fashion and style and its ability to say so much without saying anything at all. I also knew without a doubt that I wanted to spend my life creating. So, when it came time for college, I decided to go to school for Fashion Design. Sketching designs, making patterns, picking fabric, sewing the pieces together and seeing a beautifully made product was one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever felt. During that time I also fell in love.... with the Adobe Creative Suite. It gave me the tools I needed to design with limitless possibilities and I was hooked.



I moved to LA in 2010 with the intention of becoming the next great Costume Designer (I had one suitcase and my car). I really believed that I could walk onto the set of Game of Thrones and start creating John Snow's wardrobe. LA life lesson #87: It does NOT work like that. But, I believe everything happens for a reason. One day while working for Nordstrom Studio Services (wardrobe for film), I forgot some of my sketches on the desk. The costume designer for Criminal Minds saw them and hired me on the spot to create their wardrobe boards to be presented to CBS for a spinoff series. And so began my beautiful path to Graphic Design. My design skills combined with time management, a healthy amount of ADD to stay on top of multiple projects, and an aesthetic that caters to a variety of industries became my recipe for success. I have now had the honor of working with big names like CBS, NBC, Netflix and AT&T to start ups in the tech and restaurant industries, law firms and hotels.

 I work regularly with an agency doing digital and print work and maintain a healthy amount of side passion projects and freelance work. I love the variety that comes with freelancing but long for a collaborative environment where I can grow artistically and professionally. 

Random Ali Trivia..

I was born and raised in South Florida. Yes, I know how to run away from an alligator. No I do not eat bath salts. Yes I'm pretty sure there are more retirees in my hometown than in all of California.


When I moved here in 2010 I knew one person.

My nickname is Hamster...I can thank my best friend Chrissy for that one. She says it's because I am barely 5'2", adorable, and have A LOT of energy. I wasn't too keen on the nickname at first, but now I fully embrace it.  

My happy place is watching the sun set on a wooden swing hanging from a tree, with good friends, a glass of wine and some Fleetwood Mac playing in the background.

My restaurant choices are based on these things in order of importance: 

parking situation/location, outdoor seating, ambiance, happy hour.... food. 


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I have never been called boring so feel free to visit any of my social media pages. It's no secret that half the battle in working with someone is their personality and mine is very much evident by clicking on any of the above icons. Cheers!!


THE IMPORTANT THINGS, in a nutshell.

  • Over 6 years as a professional Graphic Designer/Creative working as a freelancer, a remote in-house artist and for an agency. 

  • Bachelor's degree from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

  • Proud owner of a Macbook Pro Retina Display with a 15.4” screen (that I don’t know how I ever designed without)

  • I have experience producing both DIGITAL and PRINT designs (emails, banner ads, landing pages, brochures, packaging, etc) that have led to increased sales or conversions

  • An intellectually-curious graphic designer who knows how to create design that sells product. I am constantly doing competitive research to stay ahead of the game and on trend and design based on my findings.

  • A whiz with Adobe Creative Suite CC, particularly Photoshop CC (I am hilariously awesome with image manipulation and restoration as well as the usual layout, graphics, typography and effects) I am also great with Keynote, Power Point, have an understanding of UI/UX design, some CAD and packaging design as well.

  • Excel in a team environment, always improving my skills and designs to be as effective and appealing as possible

  • Deal extremely well with tight deadlines, adapt to changes without freaking out, and work quickly.

  • Happy Hours, sunsets, life size games, live music, outdoor movies, the beach and hiking are my greatest hobbies:)

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